Do you want to improve your health? I can help you.
I am a Licenced Medical Herbalist, Nutritionist & Iridologist. Phone 0834019713 for a clinic appointment in Co. Waterford or click the BOOK button for an online or phone consultation.
Do you have a health concern you want to address?
I offer a personalised response that will help you to address the underlying cause of your symptoms.
I will help you to improve key dietary habits for long term results. Herbal medicines, formulated to your specific needs can help you to regain your energy and well-being.

Why consult a herbalist?
Herbal medicine is an holistic approach to mind/body medicine that works.
Three of the main guiding principles of western herbal medicine are:
Prevention is better than cure: early warning symptoms are easier to address than fully progressed illnesses.
Identify the root causes of imbalance and restore normal functioning of the body as an integrated whole.
Treat the person and not the disease label. The root causes of disease can vary from person to person and symptoms vary depending on the strengths, weaknesses and inherited dispositions of each individual. This is why herbal remedies are individually formulated to specific needs. (more info)
Liz is a generous, gentle, wise woman.
I’m so glad I found her. I was spiraling into an anxiety induced depression when we first met. The remedies she sent enabled me to lift myself up again and feel less isolated and more comfortable in my own skin.
~ Mary C.
Great support and very informative
Liz explains things in a way that makes sense, which made it easier than I expected to make the necessary changes. I feel I am in control of my own health and I like it.
~ Sheila Q.
Immediate relief!
I was a long time suffering with digestive issues and constipation. I am happy to say all that is now in the past.
~ Donal L.

How I work
I begin by listening to you.
During your first consultation I will ask you about your current symptoms, medical history, diet and lifestyle.
The iris analysis can be invaluable in determining what you need to initiate your own innate healing abilities. I focus on dietary habits because how we nourish ourselves directly impacts our vitality and ability to recover. If needed, I will recommend herbal medicines as I know they help the body to restore normal functioning. I also take into consideration environmental and lifestyle factors that can hinder or help us.
Patients often tell me they already knew what was wrong but needed someone else to confirm what their intuition was telling them. I want to give you the information you need to take control of your own health and enjoy living your life, your way.

Good nutrition is key to good health. Rather than prescribing you a diet to follow, I focus on helping you to change your eating habits for long-term results.

Iridology can empower you to take preventative measures now. It helps me to personalise recommendations specific to your current needs.

Herbal Medicine
Herbal remedies are formulated to your current needs. The herbs I use are non-habit forming, yet help to heal mind, body and spirit.

Conditions treated include:
Digestive health: such as acid reflux, constipation, diarrhoea, Candida, parasite infections and food intolerances. Because the digestive system includes the liver and gallbladder, the pancreas and spleen, and the assimilation of nutrients and elimination of waste, this list could include headaches, skin rashes and more.
Nervous system complaints like anxiety, depression, adrenal fatigue, fibromyalgia, migraines and insomnia.
Hormone imbalances and related ailments such as acne in teens and adults, PMS, menopause and thyroid support.
Stress-related issues such as brain fog, low mood and energy, sleep disruption, lowered immunity and inflammation.
Heart and kidney issues such as high blood pressure and cholesterol, UTIs, cystitis and prostitis.
Preventative measures such as detoxing, optimising nutrition and general health inventory and immune system support.
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