dulse, dillisk

Dulse Soup

Dulse soup

Dulse, also known as dillisk, does not require pre-soaking and can be eaten raw. It is milder tasting than many other seaweeds and generally will not overpower a dish. Always wash seaweed in fresh water to remove any sand or small stones before cooking.


  • 1 cup of washed dulse
  • 2 cups of mashed potatoes
  • I tin of coconut milk
  • 1 cup of miso broth
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • Black Pepper to taste


  • Try adding a cup of mushrooms for a more earthy flavour.
  • Similarly, a cup of cooked or shredded beets also tastes very good.
  • Peas and spinach are other complimentary additions that can work well.
  • Use 6 cups of miso broth and leave out the coconut milk for a lighter soup.
  • Or use a tin of plum tomatoes instead of coconut milk.


  1. Combine the coconut milk, mashed potatoes and dulse in a pot and simmer for 20 minutes.
  2. Transfer to a blender and liquidize.
  3. Add the lemon juice and black pepper and blend again.
  4. Heat before serving.

The polysaccharide nutrients in dulse are more easily assimilated when heated in a liquid. Adding dulse to soups and stews will act as a thickening agent. It is only slightly salty and tastes a lot milder than many other seaweeds.

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