Category: Blog

Mindfulness: Acceptance

The practice of mindfulness brings us into present moment reality with acceptance of the moment as it is. We accept each breath as it arrives, be it short, long, deep or shallow. We observe it and let it go, releasing it on the out-breath. We accept the following breath as it comes, free of expectations. […]

Daily Mindfulness

There are many ways to practice daily mindfulness. A popular method is to mindfully complete routine tasks that you would otherwise do automatically. Some people choose to anchor their practice to a specific activity such as brushing their teeth, as a reminder to invite mindfulness into the experience. Imagine if you paid attention to how you hold […]

Kale Salad

Ingredients:  1 bunch of kale 4 tbsp of olive oil 2 tbsp of lemon juice or apple cider vinegar ½ tsp of unrefined sea salt 1 tsp of cayenne powder Directions: De-rib the kale, wash and pat dry. In a large mixing bowl stir olive oil, lemon juice, salt and cayenne. Cut the kale leaves and tender stems […]


There are many kinds of headache, the most common being tension headache, migraine and cluster headaches. Primary causes include muscle spasms in the head, neck or shoulders, restriction of the blood supply to the brain, stress and fatigue, menstrual symptoms, sleep disturbance, eye strain, environmental pollutants and food allergies or intolerances. Headache pain ranges from […]


Insomnia is a common complaint of the central nervous system. It is characterised by a difficulty getting to sleep, staying asleep, or feeling rested after sleep. Individual sleep requirements vary with age and levels of activity, it is generally accepted that we need an average of 8 hours sleep per 24-hours, except in infancy and […]

Mindfulness Practice: Returning

What are we returning to? Our self, as experienced through our senses, in the here and now, by retuning our attention to our breath and making a conscious decision —not to engage with our thoughts. You can do it whenever you have a minute or two to spare. This mini-mindfulness practice is a great way of getting into […]

Introducing mindfulness

I was first introduced to the practice of mindfulness in 1992 and  I immediately  liked it. Mindfulness does not require a huge chunk of time but rather regular engagement. There is no need for any special equipment, just the willingness to be present to yourself. I found it easy to build into my day and […]

Chickpeas with dill

Want some bean protein without the gas? Add dill. Chickpeas are not only a good source of protein but are also rich in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Dill is carminative, which means it calms and soothes the digestive tract and minimises rumbling and grumblings and flatulence. It is also rich in antioxidants and vitamins, including […]


What is Cystitis? Cystitis is the medical term for acute or chronic inflammation and/or infection of the bladder. “This is an inflammation of the wall and lining of the urinary bladder that may be due to bacterial infection or to mechanical abrasion from microcrystals of calcium phosphate in urine.”¹ “The wall of the bladder sustains […]